On Drag Hunting by John Strawson
Model Number: 9780851317571
£8.00 GBP
Drag-hunting may not be a substitute for the real thing, but it can be a lot of fun. This is John Strawson's message as he draws on his own experience both when whipping-in with the 4th Hussars' pack of draghounds - under the Mastership of the Celebrated Loopy Kennard - and later when he became Master of the Staff College Drag. The author describes the origins and activities of packs of draghounds, past and present, with particular reference to the dedication and hard work of those involved in a sport which is totally dependent upon the goodwill of farmers and landowners. For the newcomer there is much practical advice and guidance aimed not only at those involved in the organisation of the sport, but also for the first-time follower. This is a book written by a dedicated enthusiast. The love of horses and hounds, the sheer thrill of riding across country over fences, the occasional catastrophe, but above all the overriding need to preserve the countryside itself and the country sports that are such an important part of it - all figure in General Strawson's enjoyably good-humoured narrative which is laced with anecdotes and enlivened by literary allusion. Illustrated with reproductions of fine paintings, photographs and woodcuts, this is the perfect book for anyone with an interest in hunting and country sports.