Find out how to apply aids effectively and considerately, discover the benefits of a secure, balanced seat and learn to ride and school your horse in ways that are ethical, promote learning and co-operation, and achieve results – namely, a horse who is happy, well balanced and able to work forward in rhythm,.
Most people would hate to think that the way they ride causes their horse discomfort. While many horses clearly enjoy their work and seem to understand when they have done well, sadly this is not always the case. Bored, uncomfortable and even distressed horses and ponies can be seen at most equestrian gatherings, and while some tolerate their discomfort and try to do their best despite it, others resist and make their unhappiness clear, sometime sin dangerous ways.
But when it comes to learning the best riding and schooling techniques there are so many conflicting ‘expert’ views out there that many riders end up not knowing who to believe, what to do or what is right and wrong. In this book Classical Riding teacher Susan McBane cuts through this instructional maze and explains exactly how to make your riding horse-friendly – and this does not mean being weak, indecisive or ineffectual. The methods, techniques and principles she describes are simple for horses and riders to understand, and tie in with the horse’s natural way of moving, thinking and behaving. They increase calmness, so making it easier and more enjoyable for the horse to learn, and eliminate confusion and distress so that he performs his work willingly and well.