Kelly Marks achieves spectacular results with an enormous variety of different horses. She knows that if you want a horse to have ‘perfect manners’, it’s your responsibility to make it clear what you want – it’s not up to the horse to guess. The secret of success is to communicate with horses in their own language, establishing a relationship of empathy and trust. This book shows how to reach that perfect mutual understanding with your horse – and how to behave yourself in a way that means your horse will too.
Includes exercises you can do with your horse to help avoid problems developing
Teaches valuable techniques, such as ground tying and head lowering, to make everyday handling much more pleasurable
Looks at ways of dealing with many common problems, such as catching, clipping, loading a horse into a trailer, and preparing a horse for the vet
Gives many practical examples, illustrated with photographs, along with case studies of horses and people that Kelly and her students have helped
Throughout the book, Kelly’s enthusiasm, humane attitude and unequalled expertise shine out, making this a lively, practical read and essential reference for every horse owner.