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Cadmos Horses' Teeth and Their Problems: Prevention, Recognition, Treatment by Dr. Kai Kreling

Cadmos Horses' Teeth and Their Problems: Prevention, Recognition, Treatment by Dr. Kai Kreling

Model Number: 9783861279068

£20.00 GBP

Problems with riding and feeding, as well as recurring colics, can all be related to trouble with horses' teeth. Just as with humans, regular dental examinations are a must for horses. Equine dentistry is a specialist area, but one with which all horse owners and those who care for horses should be acquainted. - The kinds of problems that can affect horses' teeth. - How to recognise them and how to avoid them - Techniques and types of instruments used for dental treatment are the subject of this book, which will be an essential reference for veterinary practitioners, owners and riders alike.

This essential book provides unique advice and will not be missing from any rider's or horse owner's library.

Accessible to horse owners, yet sufficiently detailed to be of interest to student vets and equine dentists.

Printed in full colour throughout (even the text sections and margins) with over 140 colour photographs and illustrations.

