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Cadmos Trust Instead Of Dominance: Working Towards A New Form of Ethical Horsemanship by Marlitt Wendt

Cadmos Trust Instead Of Dominance: Working Towards A New Form of Ethical Horsemanship by Marlitt Wendt

Model Number: 9780857880017

£19.99 GBP

Friendships are formed, not forced

Do riders always have to “dominate” their horses? In this book behavioural scientist Marlitt Wendt explodes the widely held belief in the theory of dominance over the horse and presents a new scientifically based concept which is founded instead on friendship as an ethical alternative. She covers a range of topics from herd behaviour, the concept of hierarchy through to an insight into current learning theory.

From the table of contents:

The horse – more than just one of a herd

Patchwork family – the classical herd structure and its variations

Name and rank – a horse’s social structure

Understanding communication – how horses communicate amongst themselves and with mankind

The myth of dominance – assertiveness training viewed from a behavioural science perspective

Ethical horsemanship – enriching a horse’s life?

Diagnosed with a lack of assertiveness over your horse? How a horse’s psyche can be misunderstood

Friendship instead of dominance – the invisible bond

